3 Organization Things to Stop Doing

Do you consider yourself a super organized person? Or do you constantly feel like you’re in a perpetual state of “trying to get organized”? Staying organized can sometimes feel like the biggest challenge in your business! With so many different tools out there between content management systems, appointment management software, virtual to-do lists, accounting tools, content management platforms such as Dropbox or Google Drive, etc. it’s enough to confuse and overwhelm you.

I have always considered myself to be super organized, I think it’s the type A personality in me. What I lack in creativity, I make up for in organization. Sidenote, was anyone in the T.A.G. program at school when you were younger? Stands for Talented and Gifted. I tried testing into T.A.G five times, FIVE freaking times. And I never was allowed in because I didn’t pass the creativity part of the exam. I’ll never forget that because I was SO frustrated and asked my mom why I wasn’t good enough just because I wasn’t creative? I’ve known since elementary school what my strengths were, I just didn’t know how they would play out in this world. I can tell you that not being “creative enough” has served me plenty well in my life because now I am able to create massive impact and partnerships WITH my creative business owners/clients.

You need BOTH people in this world and that’s why I am here to help you truly get organized and share with you the few things you’re doing WRONG when it comes to organization.  

  1. Quit trying ALL the platforms.

Don’t jump from one platform to the next. There’s typically a learning curve with each platform so you’re truly wasting time by trying every new platform that hits the market. You also likely can find 2-3 platforms to take care of everything for you. Don’t give yourself more busy work going to all the places to organize your shit. Dive into tutorials on the platforms you are already using. Google/YouTube is your best friend.

2. Don’t recreate the wheel.

Seriously, just do what tried-and-true method works for you! If you do better with a written planner, stop trying to use a digital one. Just write everything down and refer to that thing like a bible. Set up systems and processes for everything and just stick to it. I like assigning myself recurring tasks in Asana to remind me to do those monthly/weekly things. Sometimes I feel like we put a process in place and then we’re constantly tweaking it or reworking it until we feel like it’s perfect - but, honestly, it’s probably never going to be perfect. Just get something in place and stick to it!

3. Stop trying to do it all.

Hire help. We’re not meant to do this whole entrepreneurship thing alone. Every successful business has a team of people behind it helping drive it’s success. If you’re not an organized person, hire someone (like me :)) to help you GET organized and manage that part of your business. Or, if there’s another area of your life where you feel like it’s just chaotic - outsource there. Hire that nanny or cleaning lady or purchase pre-cooked meals from your local health food shop. Reduce the overwhelm and clutter in your life so you can focus on the things that drive your business forward.

Organization is critical for success. Can you have success while being a #hotmessexpress, YES, but I promise you that organizing your life and your business will give you more room, more space, more time and less worry, anxiety and mess - therefore allowing you to truly flourish!

And if I haven’t told you lately, it’s time to Get Your SH!T Together! I have one opening for my OBM 1:1 client work. If you’re interested in finding support, getting organized and making the next big investment in your business to drive it forward, let’s chat! Book a discovery call with me today! 


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a soon-to-be wife, stepmom, dog mama of two furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.