
How to Use Systems to Scale your Business

When you first started your business, you probably wore many hats - the content creator, the accountant, the tech person, the website editor, the social media manager, etc. This can feel overwhelming. As you have grown, you’ve more than likely hired on some team members for support, but have you put in place any systems?

And even if you’re just starting out,  you need to be able to streamline BEFORE getting to that bend-or-break point. Systems are how you do that. Systems make fast work of many, many tasks that would otherwise bog down the new or seasoned entrepreneur. 

“You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems” - James Clear, Atomic Habits 

I’m sharing with you my top recommended systems that EVERY level of business should have in place.


Without an organizational system in place, you can spend HOURS looking for things that should be readily and easily accessible. Google Drive gets my top recommendation because it’s so much easier to collaborate and navigate than, say, DropBox or other file storage systems that require download/upload steps, and has a pretty low storage capacity for the free version.

In your Drive, set up a new folder for each client or program. Then think about the other elements of your business. Do you need a business finances folder to house invoices and receipts? What about a marketing folder for content and copy? Do you have a podcast? Create a parent podcast folder, then include subfolders for each episode to house graphics, transcriptions, social copy, audiograms, etc. in one place for easy access. The key is uniform organization all the way through, though. What you do for one, you want to do for all. 


SOPs, or Standard Operating Procedures, and templates make life and business SO easy! They help you make fast work of repetitive tasks by removing your need to overthink and get lost in minutiae each time you go to do something. 

As you create a new system or a new task or even launch a new program or product, TRACK exactly what you do, write it all down, tweak it and turn it into an SOP that explains everything you need to do and when. 

SOPs help you stay focused and on track, as well as serve as a guide for you and your team to get big projects done without a lot of back and forth in emails or wasted time in procrastination. 

House your SOPs in your project management tool and then use them to train your team as you onboard support, or repurpose it for your next launch, and so forth. 


One word. Asana. Organize your Asana space by project/program, or client, but don’t forget to create an HQ box. You’ll want to store everything in Asana, including all SOPs, links to where your stuff is for each part of your business in your (newly organized) Google Drive, and any tasks/to do’s for yourself and your team  

Then, make sure you assign all tasks to yourself, as well as assigning team tasks to the proper members and don’t forget to SET A DUE DATE so you can keep track of what’s completed and what’s off track 

This will track workloads for yourself and your team, keep all your ideas and processes in one spot and make sure critical things aren’t forgotten about. Here is an example of how I would organize a client’s Asana:

  • HQ Team with the following projects: Business Plan, Meet the Team, Admin/Operations. 

  • Content Planning Team with the following projects: (Month of) Content, Podcast, (Insert Name) August Masterclass, Content Template, Masterclass Template

  • Courses & Programs Team with the following projects: Program #1, Program #2, Launch Template  

Whether you choose Asana or another software, an efficient project management tool is CRUCIAL to scale because too much can be lost when you rely on pen and paper...or your head.


Automate everything!! (If you know me, you know this is my most favorite phrase EVER! I even have a course titled it! ;)) Use automation features like workflows in Dubsado, Automations in ActiveCampaign or FloDesk for email marketing, or Zapier to connect two software together. 

Whatever you can automate to take you or someone else manually out of the process…DO IT!

Things you may want to automate right away: 

  • Appointment scheduling 

  • Client Onboarding 

  • Client Gifting

  • Testimonial Requests

  • Social Media Scheduling

  • Lead Capturing

  • Payment and Course access 

  • Email Marketing 

  • Billing

  • Bookkeeping.

There’s more, but this is a good solid list to start with. 

Likewise, if you can’t see where you can automate, then get your systems and processes assessed by a professional (hi, it’s me!) to uncover places you could be automating instead of putting your hands on more than you have to. 

Running a successful business takes systems, especially if you have plans to scale and scale quickly. Get organized, communicate what needs to be done, manage your team and your time, and automate as much as possible and you’ll be left with time to actually focus on your clients and the work you love!

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Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a wife, stepmom, dog mama of three furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

How to Work Efficiently During the COVID-19

I think it’s safe to say that we’re all experiencing something that we never saw coming in our lifetime. This pandemic seems so surreal (while I know it is very real). It is one of those things that, at least for me personally, I thought only realllllly happened in movies. I just keep saying “it’s weird times we’re living in.” But the thing is, this is going to be our new reality for a while. 

First of all, I want to acknowledge that it’s okay if the last week has been shit. It’s okay if you’re crazy bummed about this impacting your vacation plans, birthdays, weddings, pregnancy / delivery, etc. Because guess what? It totally sucks. We’re canceling our long-anticipated, 2-week European honeymoon to Italy and Greece in June now because of it. And I’m super bummed. I’ve been planning this trip for 2 years, and dreaming of it for more than 10. This was supposed to be our time together before making babies and focusing on prioritizing life things like a house, babies, careers, etc. I know we’ll never get *this* trip again. And while there are SO many things I am so grateful for right now, and others I know are experiencing far “worse” losses, this is still my reality, and it’s still a huge loss to me.

Dealing with all of this is hard. It feels like our freedom is being taken away to some degree. I totally recognize and understand the need for the quarantine and the world basically shutting down... but it’s just... shitty. If you’re feeling the weight of the world right now, I see you, I feel it too. But I’m trying my best to focus on the “new normal,” and to adjust as best as possible to the change. While there are so many new distractions - kids home, partner working from home, simply staying home and going stir crazy, the news, etc. - I think this is a time to focus on efficiency. Getting shit done efficiently so that we can deal with the rest of what’s going on. 

I’ve put together a few tips for navigating these uncharted waters and how you can work efficiently during Covid-19. 

Tip one:

Find a new routine. Maybe it means getting up a bit earlier to get some work done before your kids get up. Or maybe it means you work in time blocks so you and your hubby can split the childcare watching/office space. But we thrive on routines as humans so find something that will work for your new normal for a bit, write it out and stick to it!

Tip two:

Repurpose old content and directly relate it to what’s going on right now. This way you don’t have to recreate the wheel. Look at stuff you’ve already written or shared and provide a fresh perspective. This will save you lots of time not having to come up with any new content. Plus, everyone is focusing on COVID-19 right now, so any other content is likely to get lost. 

Tip three:

Set a timer for a task to get shit done by the time it goes off. When it goes off move on to the next thing on your to-do list. This tricks your brain to create that sense of urgency to get shit done. This also will allow you to have work time + playtime with your kids (or learning time, if they're out of school, like for forever, like mine is). I’ve tried really hard to focus in those short pockets to be able to accomplish MORE in less time. This seems like a good habit that can stick around long after COVID times are over.  

Tip four:

Set small, attainable daily goals. Don’t try to save the world or worry about coming up with the next way to make you 100k today. Now is not the time for all that. Focus on 3 things you can get done TODAY and then work to check off those 3 things by the end of day. Use a project management tool like Asana to help you prioritize those top 3 things and keep everything else in the queue.

Tip five:

Outsource more. I am a huge fan of outsourcing all the things - including cleaning, laundry, meal prep, etc. While that may not be possible to outsource some of those home things right now, outsource more work. Especially if you need the TIME back. There’s a lot of people looking for work right now, so don’t be afraid to ask for help! This will reduce your stress and you’ll be able to accomplish more in less time.

Now I am not an expert by any means, these are just some of the things that have helped me. They’re things that I try to do when I feel super busy, have a lot going on or am just simply distracted. Now is one of those times. If you have any tips that are working for you, please share! I know we can all benefit from working together during this crazy, weird time. 


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a wife, stepmom, dog mama of three furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

Morning Routine Rituals

Are you a routine person, or do you fly by the seat of your pants? I thrive on routine and to me honest, I think most people do. From the time we’re infants, we’re put on a schedule. It’s ingrained in us from the start!

I often find that if I am off my routine I feel disorganized, chaotic and less productive! Sure it can be fun sometimes to just “wing it”, but in all reality, we can’t truly live our lives that way if we want to be successful. It may come more natural to me because I’m type A, but I like to create a routine for everything, including my mornings.

How you spend your mornings is a good indicator as to how successful your day will be. If my mornings are off, it throws my whole day out of wack. There’s been plenty of research done to show that those who have a consistent morning routine are more successful in life.

I want to share with you my morning rituals that give you the perfect formula to win your mornings.

1. Rise Early

I’m a morning person, so this one isn’t as hard for me now, but it was! I couldn’t fathom getting up before 7 or 8 a.m. at one point in my post-grad life. Then when I finally committed to exercising in the morning, even 6:30 a.m. felt rough. But it really is those first 5-10 minutes that are the hardest. Now I get up about 5:30 a.m. every day. Sometimes earlier, occasionally later, but no later than 6 a.m. I find this quiet time in the morning is so peaceful and allows you time to get stuff done before the rest of the world begins functioning. Start by setting your alarm just 10 minutes earlier and then after a week or so move it back another 10 minutes. This small adjustment will be easier to manage than trying to move that alarm up by 30+minutes.

2. Be grateful and reflect

What’s that quote again, start each day with a grateful heart? It’s true. I start each day by writing 10 things I’m grateful for in a journal. Even if it’s a seemingly rough season of life, there is still so much to be grateful for. It can be as simple as your breath, a home to live in, air conditioning, a car to drive, etc. Or maybe a simple gesture from a friend. Or you can be grateful for the future you envision for yourself. Sometimes I write down that I’m grateful for the new client I onboarded (before the new client arrives), or I’m grateful for the $10k month I am having when I only have work totally $5k or whatever it is. Put that positive energy out into the universe.

I also take time to reflect. Journal on something that’s coming up for me. I write down my affirmations and spend time in prayer. Sometimes with a daily devotional to bring me closer to God. This 10-20 minutes of my day is MY time to be quiet and look inward.

3. Exercise

GET MOVING. Move your body in some capacity. There are SO many ways you can get in some exercise each day that you truly have no excuse. No money? Go run or walk in your neighborhood. Don’t want to leave you home because you have kids (or the drive is daunting in and of itself), invest in an online workout membership. I use Beachbody on Demand and it’s only $99 for the year, y’all. SO cheap. But whatever you do, move your body and get the blood flowing. Revving your heart rate early will be sure to give you more energy for the rest of your day and jumpstart that metabolism.

4. Eat breakfast

It’s true when they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast tells your body you’re ready to go! It gives you energy to take on whatever the day throws at you. After fasting for 8-12 hours while sleeping (or since dinner), your body NEEDS that food for energy. 

5. Get organized

I start each day with a brain dump of ALLLLL the things I need to get done. Client/work related, personal, etc. I just write it all down. That appointment I need to schedule, the laundry that needs to get done, the deadline for the project I’m working on, etc. Getting everything OUT of my head gives me room to prioritize that list and focus on whatever task it is I’m working on. If something else comes up while I’m working I just add it to that list. It helps me to start taking action instead of feeling overwhelmed and having no idea where to start. 

Now, if you have NO morning routine, don’t try to do all of these things at once. Pick 1-2 things that you feel like you can commit to to start and once you master those, add on something else. Those first few mornings may feel really rough, but I promise you that you’ll find you’ve accomplished so much more with each passing day. If you’re interested in others who have found success with a morning routine, check out this Forbes article about the Morning Routines of 12 Women Leaders. 


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a soon-to-be wife, stepmom, dog mama of two furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

Efficiencies, Not Shortcuts

I was on vacation the other week with my fiance and his family and the amount of times we had to go to the grocery store drove me bananas. I am a very efficient person by nature. So the idea of going to the grocery store every single day to get food for dinner KILLED ME. By the third day I finally said to my future FIL, why don’t we just plan meals for the week and buy everything we need now? He apparently likes to grocery shop and wants to decide day of what to eat #retiredlife, but it just seemed SO inefficient.

But you see I do that with EVERYTHING in life. I try to find ways to be more efficient with my work, workouts, finances, meals, where my time is spent with people, etc. because this season of life is BUSY for me, as I know it likely is for you too.

That being said, there is a difference between creating efficiencies and taking shortcuts.


Shortcut: “an accelerated way of doing or achieving something.” 

Efficiency: “achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.”

While they seem fairly similar, I want to point out three key differences.

Difference #1: Fast doesn’t always been more productive

Just because you take a shortcut and do something FASTER it does not mean that you are being efficient and creating more productivity. Take weight loss for example. Sure you can follow a diet for 3 weeks and lose 10-15 lbs  - that’s a shortcut to weight loss, but will you keep that weight off is the question? Most of the time, the answer is no. If you follow a fad diet it’s more than likely going to come right back once you allow yourself the foods you restricted again. So what’s more efficient you may ask? Follow a plan consistently over time that includes eating healthy foods MOST of the time mixed in with some fun, less nutritious foods some of the time, coupled with exercise for the least wasted effort and maximum success.

Or maybe that example doesn’t necessarily relate to you, so let’s talk business again. A shortcut may be doing a project yourself really quickly just to get it done, when it likely would have been a better use of your time to outsource it to someone else who has more knowledge in that area than you do.

Difference #2: Eliminating a step does not make it more efficient

Sometimes there are certain steps you just can’t cut. While I am all about streamlining things to reduce the number of programs being used or steps in a process, it has to be done strategically. You can’t just take a step out of a process without understanding the consequences of doing so. For example, some of my clients create custom proposals instead of having a fixed number of services that are applicable to everyone. From an efficiency standpoint it is easier to set up workflows in the system I use, Dubsado, if they have specific contracts for their services + consistent price points. But that being said, some people just don’t. So I can’t just cut out the step of manually inputting contracts/proposals for each client and automating it as that would not make sense for their clients. But what I can do is look at how they are currently writing, sending and communicating with potential clients and optimize those steps by putting everything in one platform, creating templates to work from, etc. 

Difference #3: Delegating EVERYTHING

So all of us want to work less and make more, right? I mean that is the end goal. I am all for delegation, but there is a thing as TOO MUCH delegation. In theory, delegation should give you more time back. But if you start to delegate everything in your business in order to get quickly to that end goal of more time, more money, two things could actually happen. It ends up COSTING you money because you over delegated without enough income or jobs coming in, or you over delegated work that people truly hired YOU for. It’s important to note that there is a difference.

First, if you over delegate just to have more time back but you’re not bringing in enough money to pay the people who you hired to do the work for you + pay yourself, you might as well have not taken on the clients to begin with. Or, for example, if you market yourself as a business strategist but you have someone else writing strategies for you, then people aren’t really getting YOU, they’re getting someone else. Now, if you hired someone to edit/review your written strategies, or to help execute those strategies that’s different. That is being efficient, but you have to show up and actually do the work too.

 Shortcuts HURT your business. Efficiencies HELP your business. Learning the difference between the two can save you time, stress, money and results! Think about what could help you save time, reduce stress, increase profits and then think about what the things that cause you to waste the most time, cause you the most stress and eat your profits. That’s where you can begin in terms of finding efficiencies in your business. Remember the differences noted here and you’ll be on your way to creating a more efficient, profitable business.


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a soon-to-be wife, stepmom, dog mama of two furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

Leveling up: Why Hiring an OBM can Help you Massively Grow

When I started my first business, it was an easy choice because I was just continuing to do what I was doing in the corporate world, but just on my own. I was confident that I knew how to serve my clients because it was something I was comfortable doing and felt experienced in. It was that natural next step.

But then I realized quickly that you never know everything when building a business. My eyes were opened to a new world that was slightly overwhelming. But I quickly learned that I didn’t have to put myself in a box and just do corporate marketing because that’s what I had always done. There were other ways I could use the skills I had through corporate marketing to serve the people I wanted to serve and create a business that would allow me to grow personally and professionally too.

During my first six months as an entrepreneur I was a sponge. Soaking in all the trainings, investing in some courses/coaching, and just taking it all in. I was finding success in my business, but knew that it wasn’t 100 percent aligned to the direction I wanted to go in and what I wanted to do. Then I saw someone posting about virtual assistants and online business managers. I felt like it sounded like exactly what I wanted to offer and allowed me to serve entrepreneurs -- my true people!

It was scary to make that decision to basically completely start a new business from scratch, but I knew in order to get to the level of success that I wanted, I needed to level up. So I took the leap, hired a brand strategist and website designer, then a mentor and went all-in. That decision allowed me to create the business of my dreams and grow to levels of success I dreamed of.

I feel like we ALL get to that point in our businesses where we know we need help to get to that next level, but we’re scared. Maybe of letting go of some control, maybe of walking into the unknown, making of making an investment we’re not 100 percent sure of the return. But that has to happen and you have to make that big, scary next step to be able to get to the next level of success in your business.

For some of you, that may be hiring an online business manager (OBM). Here are three reasons why you should consider hiring an OBM to help grow your business:


How often do you say, “I just wish I had more time in my day”? I think we all could claim that more time would help us get more done, but in reality, we can get more accomplished in less time if we’re outsourcing the right things effectively. Hiring an OBM will give you more time back in your business. It will allow you to create margins. You won’t be flustered with trying to make sure all your sequences are set up right, or your launch plan is moving along at the right pace, or managing your VA and social media manager, or drafting and scheduling your social content, etc.

You will be free knowing someone else is keeping up with the behind the scenes so you can be more present. Maybe it’s more time for you to spend coaching clients, or building websites, or creating content. Maybe it’s giving you the ability to stop working at a decent hour to spend more time with your husband and kids. Maybe it will finally allow you the time to THINK about what you want to do next and be proactive vs. reactive all the time. More time is probably the biggest blessing and benefit an OBM can give you day-to-day.

Fresh Perspective

An OBM is a strategic partner. While they’re not a business coach, they do have the ability to think strategically about your processes and are an extension of you and your business. They know the ins and outs of what you do and how your business works, so oftentimes they can offer a fresh perspective to an issue, concern or idea. Something you may not have thought of because you’re so “in” your own business and it’s always nice to have someone that understands what you do, who your target is and where you want to go to bounce ideas off of. It also depends on what OBM you hire and what their strengths are. I know for me personally, I have a robust background in PR and marketing which often serves my clients well in that I understand and can help them grow their social following, and create a full marketing strategy for them to strategically grow their business.

Knowledge and Expertise

Do you know about every single new platform or technology that is out there? Or what new features a certain platform has launched? No. There are probably a lot of things you don’t have time to worry about or don’t care about. You just want someone to tell you what to use and how to do it. Here’s where an OBM can help. This is the stuff they love (at least I do) and geek out over. They’re systems people, organizers and they want to use the latest and greatest and most efficient tools and technology out there and they probably have used a great deal of them with all their clients. They’re constantly thinking of how things could be done more efficiently and this knowledge is golden to helping your business grow and thrive.

The other plus side of this is that you don’t have to learn all these new platforms. They’ve already done that. Whether it was with another client or in their spare time, they come to you with this expertise already. Or, if you find yourself wanting a solution to something that repeatedly comes up for you, they’ll likely have a suggestion already or will talk through a solution, process or course of action with you.

I know that hiring someone can be scary. Trusting someone with your baby, your business that you so passionately built is HARD. I get it (I’m super type A and kinda a control freak at times). But at the same time, it’s so necessary to grow your business. Imagine what you can do with TWO OF YOU!? An OBM is such a great hire because this person is going to be invested in YOU and your business growth. They’re strategically thinking about ways to HELP YOU vs. just complete tasks and move on. Now I will caution, before you hire anyone, vet them. Look at their website, client testimonials, engage with them on social, read their content and schedule a discovery call to make sure they are the right fit for you and your business. Is it time for you to take that next step and massively grow your business?

Have you heard?I am now offering something that I think will be a total game-changer for your business! Do you have four hours to learn how to put in place and manage customized systems that will save you countless hours of time, and make your life 100x easier? I’m now booking clients for 4-hour Systems Intensives! I want to help you set your business up, or get your business organized with all the best systems and processes to help you THRIVE, save you time and reduce your stress friend!! Learn more here.


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a soon-to-be wife, stepmom, dog mama of two furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

Tips for Finding Success as an Entrepreneur

I was always the type of kid who was going 90 miles-per-hour. I set goals. I became laser focused on them, I achieved them and said okay, next. But the thing was, none of it just came “easy” to me. I was never the person who was “just a natural” at everything I did. I always had to work hard, sometimes extra hard. But I always conquered whatever it was I put my mind to. If you told me I couldn’t do something, I’d say watch this. Then put my head down and work until I could do it and prove someone wrong. I had a really strong work ethic and always wanted to do my best and be the best. I thrived off recognition and in my mind, I could not fail. I just did it over and over again until I got it right.

Somewhere along the way, I learned to be afraid of failure. I learned to care more about what others thought of me and their opinions about my choices more than I cared about what I wanted. Somewhere along the way, I did things just to fit in and focused on what “everyone else was doing”. I questioned my own abilities and worth. I started to let the voices in my head of “you can’t do this” stop me.

TIP 1: Believe in yourself and know your worth.

But then, I found a fitness community that also shared with me personal development. I started reading and listening to positive, “self help” and leadership books that totally transformed my life and brought me back to ME again. I grew in my career. I found my future husband. Life was good. And then I was let go from my job.

TIP 2: Invest in your mental health.

I did some soul searching in 2017, and tried to figure out what type of job I wanted. One with flexibility. One where I wasn’t micromanaged. One where I didn’t have to play into that corporate bullshit. But I let fear hold me back. For so long. I ended up taking another full-time job at an agency, and it was everything I remembered that I hated and wanted to get away from. So I pushed forward with launching my own PR and marketing company as I had a couple freelance clients I had found during the 6 months I was unemployed. My plan was to get my business up and running for 6-12 months and then quit. Within a day of launching my website, they found out and told me to either take it down or I couldn’t work there. My immediate reaction was okay I’ll take it down, I didn’t mean anything by it, I just wanted some extra freelance work. But I went home and talked to my boyfriend and he reminded me I hated that job, and I had worked too hard on this dream already to let them stop me. He supported me in going all in on it.

TIP 3: Don’t let ANYONE kill your dream.

So I quit. It was the scariest thing I have ever done. I was afraid to tell my parents I walked out of the cushion-y 9-5. I was afraid of what people would think. Who would hire 26 year old me? But people did. I slowly became more confident. I realized I enjoyed what I was doing, but I really wanted to find a way to work more with entrepreneurs. THOSE were my people. So I took my knowledge of marketing and PR and paired it with my love for systems and technology, and my type A organized personality and discovered what an online business manager (OBM) was. And THEN I launched another business - the one I have here today. I became an OBM because I saw a need in the space. When I was working on my branding, my brand strategist asked me what is it that you truly help people do? And I said “IDK, I just help them get their shit together.” And that’s where my brand was born. Now, eight months later, I am fully-booked, busting at the seems, which I couldn’t be happier about, but I still want to grow. I am back to that little girl who wants to do more, be more. It’s amazing to watch her come out again and truly believe in myself, my abilities and know that even if I don’t know it all, I will always be willing to go the extra mile to figure it out.

TIP 4: Be resourceful.

Now, I wish I could say once I launched my OBM business I just had clients flying in the door left and right, but I didn’t. But I wanted to do it right. Produce good, quality content. Build a brand that people could trust. And that doesn’t happen right away. I’ve talked about the know like and trust factor before, and it was/is true for my business too. I had to show up every day when no one was watching, listening, or paying attention to build that KLT factor. And then, I realized I needed more help. I found a business mentor that was specific to my niche as an OBM and I hired her. She helped me fine tune my processes, shared her templates with me, gave me confidence on discovery calls and even filtered leads my way. I was and am SO GRATEFUL for her. As my business would not be where it is today without her.

TIP 5: Hire a mentor/coach.

Now, I look back and I’m grateful for the path that I had that led me to where I am today. Though at times it was difficult, frustrating, and seemingly impossible to be where I am today - living a successful (by my standards) life and building a business that has allowed me the freedom and flexibility I’ve always imagined. But the thing is, I’m not done. I want to continue to expand my business. I have SO many more things up my sleeve that I want to do in the coming months and years. I have a vision greater than me to make an impact on other women that is so large I actually am not sure I can comprehend it. I want to empower other women to be successful and step into their own power. So baby, I’m just getting started.  

Also, I have some EXCITING news! I am not offering something that I think will be a total game-changer for your business! Do you have four hours to learn how to put in place and manage customized systems that will save you countless hours of time, and make your life 100x easier? I’m now booking clients for 4-hour Systems Intensives! I want to help you set your business up, or get your business organized with all the best systems and processes to help you THRIVE, save you time and reduce your stress friend!! Learn more here.


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a soon-to-be wife, stepmom, dog mama of two furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.